Dialog Exercise C, D, E.
Writing Asn. #4 Dialog. Choose
either C, D, or E.
The purpose of this assignment is to use correctly punctuated dialog to
realistically advance the plot using the M.L.A. block formatting. That
means to continue the story for at least a page, but not more than two
pages. Please remember to use the block format where you don't indent, but
leave a black line in between each paragraph. Please remember to start a
new paragraph when you change speakers, or when the action changes from one
character to the next. We have done this before. Click here to
remember the activity we did in class. Paragraph
Organization in Dialog Exercise. Sometimes you just have to see an
example, and you have it in your Google Docs.
Notice how there are two spaces after an end mark, like a period or question mark, and one space after a comma. That is the M.L.A. format.
Dialog Exercise C
Name ________________________
not so sure about this fundraiser, Heidi. It seems to me that a few people are
doing all of the work.”
“At least we will get the money we need.”
“But Timmy will still be a problem,” I said.
She whispered, “If we do this on a Friday, then he probably won’t come. You know how he is on long weekends. He just sits and listens to
Dialog Exercise D
Name ________________________
once-quiet doorbell now seemed like a gong and she muttered as she opened the
door, “May I help you?"
When a face
that could only be described as stoic replied, “__________________
Dialog Exercise E
Name ________________________
"And you think
that will means this was a murder and not an accident?"
She questioned.
should’ve only thought it but I found myself saying, “He was only an
inspiration to the millions of fans that only knew about his talent.
Nobody who really knew him, liked the real him.
I knew him back when he was _______________________________
Dialog Exercise F Name ________________________
"So, let me get this straight. If I go see him play football on Friday night, it means nothing. But If he was a soccer player, and not too many people show up to watch, then it is a signal that I am interested in him."
"Yes, going to a football game is more of a social thing."
"But that doesn't make much sense."
"Just be yourself."
"Well, that is not working, and dressing a certain way- like somebody suggested- didn't work either."
"And the dumb-girl thing is never believable for you. Why don't you ____________________________?"