Extra Credit for Grade Eight:
I would like to expand this page to include several short stories that are considered to be classics by adults AND students. I would like your opinion as to which stories should be included. You may receive extra credit if you complete the following three steps with a high degree of quality and you cite any online sources. This can be done at any time of the school year EXCEPT in the month of June.
1. Go to http://www.classicshorts.com/bib.html#botd and read some short stories. Try at least three. This will take you some time.
2. Pick your favorite and write a one paragraph summary and or theme explanation that does not reveal the ending.
3. In another paragraph please explain why this story should be included in the list of all-time favorites that today's student will enjoy. If you use another website you must cite your source(s) or you will be PLAGIARIZING, and that is bad; it is very bad.