Poetry Out Loud 2017
Day 1. Computer Lab
What is P.O.L.?
A. Read this entire page first to understand how this unit is planned.
B. Read the poetry notes . These will be copied into your notebook on the third or fourth day of this unit.
C. Go to www.poetryoutloud.org and read the F.A.Q.
D. Go to Videos, Click on "Learning Recitations" and watch the video examples.
E. Go to "Browse Poems" or "Browse by Poet" and read dozens of poems. Please don't start with the letter A.
F. Save 5-10 poems. Think critically; what is the best way to do this? Can you work with more than one web browser open? Critical thinking is important here! Which technology skills should you implement? Should you save this in email, a set of links in a word processing document, or maybe saved as bookmarks on your cell phone? Which skills match your available technology?
Day 1 HOMEWORK. The Search Continues...
A. Read more poetry from the website and begin to decide on the poem that means something to you; it has to make a connection with your life. Which two or three calls your name? Which ones can you talk about as well as recite? You will be writing about a selected poem, so choose one that is as deep in meaning and complex as yourself. Look to see which of the poems you selected are on Youtube. This was a major influence for my students last year!
B. Think about the degree of difficulty. Are you challenging yourself enough?
C. Look at all of the poems you saved. Change the font, size, and decorate two poems as you see fit. Give it some personality; begin to adopt it as a part of you. Print your name prominently. This may help you make a decision as to which poem you will memorize and recite to class.
Day 2. Computer Lab
Additions to the Poem
It is time to commit to one poem.
A. Read your 2-5 poems to a partner and get feedback as to which one is a better fit for you; then make your commitment, and tell Mr. M.
B. Copy your poem into your notebook once each day in class. More copying outside of class may help with memorization if you are a tactile learner.
C. Class discussion on memorization techniques and work on the Planning Sheet until it is approved by Mr. M.
D. Implement at least three techniques brainstormed in class.
E. Go back to the document you made on Day 1 homework. Please include the picture and biography of your poet. Then use the internet to gather more information about your poet. Be sure to cite your sources. (Optional Honors Task activity) Do not just copy, paste, and cite your sources. If this is going to get credit, you need to be insightful.
F. Is there a story behind this poem? Type the name of your poem into a search engine such as Google and add the word "Analysis" or "Meaning of" What do other people say about the meaning of this poem? Do you agree? Be sure to cite your sources (Optional Honors Task activity) Do not just copy, paste, and cite your sources. If this is going to get credit, you need to be insightful.
Day 3, Classroom
A. Copy the poem into your notebook again today.
B. Complete the poetry notes into you notebook or binder http://www.mrmulgrew.com/poetry_listing.htm
C. Tactile/ Kinesthetic Approach to Memorization (Weather permitting)
Day 4, Classroom
Practice, practice, practice!
A. Copy the poem into your notebook again today. You may want to do this repeatedly as other people present.
B. Copy the poetry notes as needed.
C. Which poetry terms are applied to your selected poem? . This is the worksheet. It is your ticket to leave today.
D. Practice with a partner with decreasing need of the poem in front of you.
E. Practice presentations start. The more often you practice in front of the class, your partner, or your table, the more relaxed you will become.
Presentations Start Scoring Rubric This will be the first grade for term two.
Day 5+6, Classroom
Presentations conclude by the end of the week.