Simon + Red Kayak Daily Agenda:


1.     Read the rubric in this packet which stays on each table.

2.     Exchange the Open Reponse answer and complete the evaluation using the task list as Mr. Mulgrew checks your homework and early homework. 

Evaluator’s Tasks:

__Box the thesis and the conclusion.  (Sentence or paragraph)

__Write the “I”, “S”, “Q”, and “A” in the margins where they are located.

__Circle correctly used quotes.  Circle with an “X” inside if incorrect.

__Write a big check over the title and author’s name.

__Darken the transitions.  On one hand”, etc.

__When grading the open response ask does the conclusion give insight? 

__Does it answer both actors of the question with enough quoted material and analysis?

__Does the essay explain two or more parts?

__Did they show every way they prepared or just listed one way?  That is the difference between a three and a four in most cases.

__Give it a score; 1,2,3,4, on the top of their essay and write the reasons why that were mentioned in the rubric.  You can’t just give it a grade and not tell why you give it that grade!

3.     Get your writing folder and attach last night’s homework ISQA answer to the ISQA Evaluation Sheet using a paper clip.  Record your score on that sheet each day.

 4.     Class Discussion of all answers.

 5.     Continue reading and answering the questions in the packet.